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Logo Vlaamse Ardennen Welcome to our site Family Science Region Flemish Ardennes. Freely accessible to anyone with regular side effects.
Some parts can only be consulted with a login and password. Just as you like to know who is poking around in your house, we also like to know who is visiting us. Obtaining a login and password is free and can be done via our form.

With the login and password you can explore our already available databases. You will also be able to view and download the documents that have already been digitized directly online.

Registration is therefore recommended. Therefore, click on the "Register" tile above.

To support our activities, you can make a voluntary contribution on account BE80 4435 6463 4177 BIC KREDBEBB stating: "Name-First name-your email address"; This way we can keep you informed of future adjustments, changes, etc.

Thanks to your contribution, we can expand the current site with projects that are currently in progress and further expand our databases.

Met de steun van:

Met zo’n 400.000 vennoten is Cera een van de grootste
coöperaties van België. We brengen mensen, middelen en
organisaties samen, bundelen krachten, nemen initiatieven en
realiseren projecten met een duidelijk doel: samen investeren
in welvaart en welzijn.

“With around 400,000 partners, Cera is one of the largest cooperatives of Belgium. We bring people, resources and organizations together, join forces, take initiatives and realize projects with a clear goal: investing together in prosperity and well-being.” Knowing more? Surf to www.cera.coop

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